
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

This week was a week full of new projects and desperately trying to finish one  quilt project. Here's a quick peek at what I've been working on.

1. In progress- This is the quilt I've been working on. It WILL be finished this week! It is a t-shirt quilt. I know, I know... boo, hiss. But it is, as most t-shirt quilts are, very special. This is a commissioned project and a surprise, which is why you only get to see a teaser view. There is probably no way the recipient of this will ever visit my blog, but for the sake of secrecy, I'll post detailed pics and a complete review of my process in a couple of weeks.

2. New In progress- This is my dining room table. Also known as my "other" workspace. Yes, I have a lovely little workspace. But it's cluttered from making the quilt and I don't want to take the time to clean it up. So I'm making my Emmaline Bag at the end of my dining room table. I have everything cut and the outer shell is coming together nicely. I'll post more on this once I get that quilt done!

This next pic is just in case you think I have it all together. I don't. My kitchen is a mess. And my hubby cleaned it yesterday. Just keeping it real!

3. New In progress- This next is a bit of tatting that I did as a gift for a friend. It is a tatted pendant for a necklace. I need to sew in my ends and then starch it. The two pieces are layered. I made on like this for my mom for Mother's Day this year and apparently a lot of people liked it! That makes a girl feel good!

4.  New In Progress- This is another tatted pendant. It also needs the ends sewn in and starched. I made this to go with a new sun dress that I bought this spring. I cant wait to get it finished so I can wear it!

So, that' it. I have 4 projects in progress, 3 of which I started this week. I didn't finish anything! Oh, well. There's always next week. I'll be linking this post up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

Also, my Pay it Forward Swap is still open if you want to sign up. Check my post for more details.


  1. Love the messy kitchen pic! I was looking at the first two photos thinking she must live in a model house it's so clean. Tatting is one think I have never gotten orund to trying. Your pendants are beautiful.

    1. I certainly do not live in a model house or a clean house for that matter! That's the beauty of choosing your photo location carefully! :)

  2. Your tatted pendants are just so beautiful!

    1. Thank you. I'll be posting finished pics soon! :)

  3. I'm so impressed by the tatting! Need to see this in person..hint hint... =)
